Mattie and I are back from our a few days short of a month summer holiday. I arrived home with lots of energy, thinking of all the projects I would like to do. But instead, I’m struggling to shake off the holiday mood and get to work. This is usually the case after any trips because I work for myself at my cozy home. So today, I spent all day going through the holiday photos.

Every summer for the last seven or eight years except last summer, Mattie and I travel on our tandem bike and wild camp in nature (trip of 2014, 2015). We decided to return to the Dordogne region. We have biked here a few times already, and we also got married here last summer. Yes, if you still didn’t get it, it is our favorite region ; )

For seven days – we first biked northeast along Dordogne river, then we climbed a small mountain (but big enough for us on a tandem!) westward to meet the Vézère river which we had planned to follow, but we took a detour following the cutest Coly river which we found only by lucky chance till we met the Vézère again a day later, which led us to another bigger mountain we had to climb up to get to a festival in the middle of nowhere, then the following day, we biked to the place where we had our wedding last summer, had lunch under a tree, felt loved and fuzzy inside, and that was the end of our tandem trip.

Unknowingly we chose the hottest week of the summer for our bike trip.

Our tandem fully loaded – a front bag, two back bags, two sleeping bags and a tent, a triangle tool bag, a black camera bag, a small bag for stuff I collect on the way (attached behind the front saddle), three water bottles, swimming suits drying in the back, a fan we made on our first day in between sleeping bags. Oh and a fishing rod between two pedals : )

The Dordogne river

Magical Coly river where we stopped for breakfast.

The bestest walnut tart from the boulangerie in Condat-sur-Vézère. We ate it so fast that I only took a photo of the last bite before it happily went inside my tummy.

After climbing for hours, we finally got to the top. Here we also found a plum tree with sweetest plums. We each at two and kept the pits.

I found things like stones and fruits and kept them in this blue bag attached behind Mattie’s saddle. Sometimes, it carried some mint.

Our usual lunch

This is where we got married last summer : )

After the tandem trip, we took the train to Bordeaux, surfed and ate fougasse in Montalivet, ate oysters and flew on a helicopter in Oléron island, back in Bordeaux for a day, then finally back home in Paris. I said to Mattie – we need a holiday to recover from our holiday.

Hope you are having a great summer too <3

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