Tag "a-frame"

In the suburb of Paris, inside a big warehouse-turned-atelier shared by many artists, there’s a small space Blaise Parmentier and Théo Robine-Langlois built above their shared workspace and under the angled roof to invite artists and organize exhibitions. Space is named appropriately A-frame as you can see in the photos.

It took me some time to figure out what I wanted to show in this uniquely shaped space. Then I realized the form of the drapes I’ve sketched during La Patronne residency early this year would fit nicely. Hence I decided to make the first drape of the eight I’ve sketched. Then Théo came up with the title of the exhibition <1 of 8>.

During the vernissage (June 22, 2018), we let people wear the drape. It was interesting to see how everyone moved so differently in it from one another. And now I can’t wait to make all eight drapes and see them worn by people, although this will take some time.

Big big thanks to all of you who came out, traveled across town in the midst of a train strike, to see my work. Sincere thank you thank you thank you! And of course a big thanks to Théo and Blaise : )




1 of 8
11, avenue Victor Hugo
F–93120 La Courneuve 
June 22 2018 – TBD
by appointment

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