Tag "wordpress"

I’m no pro at building/coding websites, but I find building websites therapeutic. For some strange reasons, I enjoy changing colors and sizes by changing numbers and letters. I needed a break from projects I’m working on right now, so I redone my website:

Until now, has been my film portfolio site, showing my commercial and personal directing works. However, I thought it was necessary to change the structure this time around.

Since recent years, I’ve started developing interest in other forms beyond film/moving image, and I spend more and more of my time exploring those. I’ve been always told it is important to have a focus. And for me, that meant to separate every medium from another so each has its identity and a platform. However, now I’m more interested in mixing everything, and I want them to all merge into one voice, regardless of what the final output medium is. So my voice becomes the focus.

One sentence summary of the long explanation above is ‘the new website is a mess.’ It houses films, animations, wall paintings, art pieces, exhibitions without any categories. As I wrote under ‘info’ section, “it’s an eclectic mess of things I make.”

You might say it is confusing and you can’t tell what I actually do. But I have to say this is a better representation of who I am at the moment.

Well, go and hang out at and tell me what you think ; )

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Voila! The website Mattie and I were building to house all the art pieces we make finally went online today! The place is called AMATEURS and the address is WWW.A-M-A-T-E-U-R-S.ORG .

We have been working on this site on and off for several months, and today it is finally out of its cave. We built this place so we can gather all our art works in one place and share with you : ) We hope this place will motivate us to create more, both big and small works, and to connect with those who find them interesting.

Come by and have a look. I’d really really like that ; )





When you are at the site, make sure you join our mailing list so we can keep you up to date with new works.


And of course, like us on Facebook page. You are awesome for liking us <3




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potatostampMattie and I potato stamp carving, three years ago.

I haven’t posted anything here for nearly a week. Bad bad me. But I was too occupied with another project and had no time to write a post. This new project! Well, it is not so new in fact. When Mattie and I got together more than three years ago, while we were carving potato stamps for fun, we came up with an idea of building a website together where we can show everything we ‘make,’ including the potato stamp prints we were making at that time.  We discussed the possible names of the site, what it’d be like, how nice it would be, but it never went further than words, and we soon stopped talking about it. Then few months ago, we started talking about it again, and this time, we are actually making it real : )

I’ve been working on and off since February to build the site. By the way, this is the reason why I started fiddling with WordPress, and got addicted playing with WordPress, which got me to build my portfolio website and this very blog recently. The function of our website is to house everything we ‘make.’ This includes art works, but often, things we enjoy making are not clearly art nor design, but lay somewhere in between. We’d like this site to be a home for all of them. I’m especially hopeful and excited about this, because along with our brand new studio space, it will encourage us to make more things we like to make.

This past week, we’ve been busy taking photos of our works that will go on our website in our new studio space. It was quite painful to hammer nails on a newly painted white wall, but Mattie reminded me that this is why we made the studio space in the first place. Yes, he is the wise one ; )

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The website is nearly finished now, and here’s a blurry sneak peek of our website : ) I hope we can launch it very soon. I can’t wait to show it to you all! Happy weekend!

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